Nidavel dashboard overview - Exports
By Ikenna | On Saturday 18th May 2024, 02:17pm
The exports page provides the interface where you can view and delete file exports from your website. All exports shown are HTML. You can only delete exported HTML files. All other static files like JavaScript, stylesheets and images can not be deleted using this interface.
Export links
In the exports page interface, there are currently three links: Posts, Pages, and Homepage. Clicking the posts link, will return only posts exports. Clicking the pages link, will return the pages exports, and clicking the homepage link, will return the homepage export.
The list of exports will show the file name to the left, and the red X link to the right of each export. Clicking the red X link will display a prompt warning you that deleting an export is not reversible. If you really want to delete that export, go ahead and click OK and the file will be deleted. Otherwise click cancel, and the delete process will be aborted.
Orphaned exports
When you publish a post or page, an export is automatically created. Likewise when you delete a post or page, the corresponding export is deleted. But what happens when you rename a post or page? When you rename a post or page, the former export is not renamed. Instead a new export is created. This leaves a static HTML export that is not connected to any post in the database. This stale file that no longer have a corresponding post or page in the database is known as an orphaned export.
Deleting orphaned exports
You can manually delete this export, however sometimes, for some reasons you may not. As time goes on, these stale files accumulate. You can delete these files with one click by clicking the red 'Clear orphaned exports' button just on top of the list of exports.
It is actually recommended to use this button, as you may unintentionally delete the wrong files, if you choose to use the manual method.
That’s it for the exports screen overview. In the next post, we will look at the settings section. This is where you manage the different settings for your application.
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